Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Lambo Chronicles, Part 1

If you know TLA, then you know of our sound guy, John Lambert. If you're new to us, then you are missing out on the single greatest man to have graced this fine planet of ours.

As part of our blog, we'll be doing occasional updates with stories about Lambo. It's pretty hard to sum the guy up without meeting him--he alleges that he's 38, but we think he's more like 4500. A 4500 year-old wizard to be exact. One of these days we swear he's just going to start levitating around the ranch.

So anyways, this first installment starts from the fact that Lambo seemingly never eats. We have known him for a few years, and not once had the man eaten in front of us prior to roughly a year ago. Sure, he would consume stuff, but almost exclusively cigarettes and bottles of Heineken (which by the way, he opens with his teeth).

However, spring '09 we went down to LA for a string of shows, and the 2nd day we went to IHOP. Lo and behold, Lambo ordered food, and he ate it! A plate of pancakes and bacon to be exact, pictured above.

This was such a momentous occasion that we had to capture it on photo and blog. In the year since then, we've seen Lambo eat one other time (Burger King). But nothing can compare to the very first one, it was a revelation.

So if you're keeping track at home, our best account that John Lambert eats once every six months on average. If that doesn't make you want to know more about the guy, then you probably like to kick puppies.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First show of 2010 announced!

Have you been missing your TLA fix? Are you itching to hear our new material? Are you up shaking at night because you are desperately searching for meaning in a world without shows by your favorite band?

Um, well, ok, let's just assume the answer is a resounding "YES". In that're in luck! We're busy scheduling out some shows for the upcoming months, and the first one that you can come to will be the last weekend of March. Here are the pertinent details

Boom Boom Room
With Vinyl, DJ K-OS of Digital Underground
March 27th

You can get tickets ahead of time here (we recommend this, there's a good chance this show will sell out. for serious).

Anyways, we're psyched about the show, and we can't wait to see folks out there. And if all else fails, you can rock out to 'Freaks of the Industry'--how could you say no to that?

P.S. Sorry about the lag between our 1st and 2nd blogposts--we promise we'll be better members of the blogosphere going forward.